Almost Perfect


1.80 out of 5
(5 reviews)

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Published on: October 18, 2008


Emma is 30, single and, frankly, desperate. She woke up this morning with nothing to look forward to but another evening of unsuccessful speed-dating. But now she has a new weapon in her quest for Mr Right. And it’s made her almost perfect! Ianto Jones woke up this morning with no memory of last night. He went to work, where he caused amusement, suspicion, and a little bit of jealousy. Because Ianto Jones woke up this morning in the body of a woman! And he’s looking just about perfect! And Jack Harkness has always had his doubts about Perfection…

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James Goss


Gwen Cooper, Ianto Jones, Jack Harkness, Rhys Williams

Episode timeline



BBC – Novels


To do

Series timeline

Between series 2 and 3



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5 reviews for Almost Perfect

  1. Syl Verne

    Warning: Theoretically interesting premise (the double-edged sword that striving for ‘Perfection’ is) but pretty damn harsh to pretty much everybody, also beware squicks (triggers?) when it comes to Ianto’s side of the story…
    Probably objectively deserves more than 2 stars but I personally felt uncomfortable reading in parts so I’m going with that.

  2. Louise

    RIP Ianto, again.
    (This time, I’m not a fan.)

  3. Pandora

    This book was such a mess… Some moments were cute but everything else was so… weird??? and tbh jack gwen and ianto feel rlly OOC sometimes. idk i just wish it were better

  4. Xandra73

    What the hell just happened? I have a really big problem how to rate this book. I love James Goss and his writing. And this was one was no exception – almost. I loved the crazy structure, the fun titles, the odd chapter lengths, the crazy story that felt like a trip. The story about Emma, the device, the ferry, the gay club. Maybe lots of stuff didn’t add up but it was so much fun to read. I would give it five starss just because I found it really imaginative.
    BUT then we also have Ianto turned into a woman… and that wasn’t done very well. Not sure if it COULD have been done well, but at least I would have loved some depths to it. Ianto seems to just roll with it aside from the occasional uncomfy shoes. Jack also. It takes place between S2 and S3, the relationship should be further developed than just the occasional shag and there is nothing here. Maybe a female writer would have been better? Not sure about it. Because it IS a man turned into a woman. Maybe a male writer, concentrating/researching more about this aspect of the story and not treating it just like a gimmick. Definitely lots of missed opportunities here.

  5. juette

    reading this is not worth the time. while it has many interesting concepts a lot of it was just uncomfortable (everything with ianto, gwen being jealous for no reason) and the explanations werent even that interesting they were just. weird

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