Into the Silence


2.75 out of 5
(4 reviews)

Book stores

Published on: June 25, 2009


The body in the church hall is very definitely dead. It has been sliced open with surgical precision, its organs exposed, and its vocal cords are gone. It is as if they were never there or they’ve been dissolved… With the Welsh Amateur Operatic Contest getting under way, music is filling the churches and concert halls of Cardiff. The competition has attracted the finest Welsh talent to the city, but it has also drawn something else — there are stories of a metallic creature hiding in the shadows. Torchwood are on its tail, but it’s moving too fast for them to track it down. This new threat requires a new tactic — so Ianto Jones is joining a male voice choir…

Additional information


Sarah Pinborough


Gwen Cooper, Ianto Jones, Jack Harkness

Episode timeline



BBC – Novels


To do

Series timeline

Between series 2 and 3



4 reviews for Into the Silence

  1. Lily

    One of the best books available. It’s classic Torchwood; grisly deaths, sinister aliens, wonderfully creepy scenes and a bittersweet ending, with fun team moments and something wholesome and beautiful at its heart. The alien concept is also really interesting.

  2. Syl Verne

    Two good things to be said here: The one-time characters are 100% TW, they’re really the perfect examples of how the show manages to make the mundane incredibly bleak. Might not sound like praise but is to me!! Torchwood really does that like no other show (that isn’t fully centered around that idea, that is) can. And the novel-only character that gets introduced here (and reappears in Long Time Dead, which is why I won’t call him ‘one-time’), Tom Cutler, is a refreshingly good guy.
    Apart from that though……….. I’m neurotypical so I don’t dare assume what autistic people might think of this plot but. It felt…somehow wrong to me? Like not *badly* wrong but ,,, somewhere between sad and terrible??? Really don’t know how to say this w/out spoilering, and again I’m far from the best authority here. But it really rubbed me wrong.

  3. Louise


  4. Xandra73

    I’m not sure how to rate this book. The story itself was really good. The characters were written very well. And the new character Cutler was also a really interesting addition. I really appreciated that the author took it’s time to show how they grieve for Tosh and Owen after their deaths. This fills a void that hasn’t been addressed on the show enough.
    What I didn’t like was that the author completely ignored that Jack and Ianto have a relationship. It was mentioned in the beginning but after that it was non-existent. I know this isn’t fanfic, but I wished there would have been at least a few personal moments – there were enough things happening where it could have been included.

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