The Lives of Captain Jack Volume 03 – 3 – R&J


4.00 out of 5
(4 reviews)
Published on: March 25, 2020


Captain Jack Harkness – time-travelling con-man, saviour of the Earth, and intergalactic adventurer. He has lived many lives. These are three more of them.

3.3 R&J

From ancient battles to eternal wars
A pair of time-cross’d lovers take the stars

Additional information


James Goss


Jack Harkness, Jackie Tyler, River Song

Content warnings



Scott Handcock

Episode timeline





Big Finish – The Lives of Captain Jack


No major relationship

Series timeline

All over the place


Audio drama

4 reviews for The Lives of Captain Jack Volume 03 – 3 – R&J

  1. Estelle

    When I started this episode, I was expecting a big romp or a crazy adventure on an epic scale. But this is an homage to Jack Harkness, to River Song and to their relationships to the Doctor.

    It took me a while to get over the discrepancy between what I was expecting and what I was listening to. But the second half is when the emotional connection really kicked in for me and I really got into it.

    Word of warning though, I’m not sure how much sense it makes without a good knowledge of both Jack’s and River’s stories. This is not an introduction to Jack and River and how they work together. This is very much a “this is what the characters were doing during these big TV shows/Big Finish stories”. I feel that missing out on many of the references (like if you’re not that familiar with Jack or not that familiar with River) may lessen the emotional impact drastically.

    Still, my hope is that, now that this audio set up the tapestry of Jack and River’s relationship, we can get one-shots of specific adventures they dragged each other into! Because the dialogue and performances are as sharp and witty as I had hoped they would be and I would love for them to be given more space to breathe when they don’t have to cram millennia into a one-hour audio drama.

  2. Nik

    Personally, I will probably be biased in this review, because I really, really, really love this audio. Like really. Like I love River, but this audio really made me love her even more. Contrary to a lot of other reviews, I actually enjoyed the jumping around timelines of this audio; I feel as if it really says a lot about both Jack and River as time travellers and as people, that nothing is linear for them, nor will them meeting and doing other stuff be. Admittedly, I found it just a tad unbelievable that Jack didn’t realize it was the Doctor who was the other man for River, but I can suspend my disbelief for the sake of how sadly it works out. Love this audio. It’s a must-listen from me.

  3. Anonymous

    I enjoyed it thoroughly! It was a great time listening to it. It did get a bit confusing, but I think that’s kind of the point. However, as someone easily confused… it was EXTRA confusing at bits. It does help to have the Doctor’s, River’s, and Jack’s timelines down to pat. And that is a big part of the audio, actually… go figure. Anyway, there’s a few references that will either make you really excited if you know them or really confused if you don’t.
    Overall, I adored two specific points involving grown ups being sweet and kind to sad little kids… and I did not enjoy a part that seems to follow up CoE and downplay a significant person in Jack’s life to just “a friend.” And someone to move on from to “someone who doesn’t die.” That was. Hm. Loses a few points for that.
    Other than that–it was enjoyable!

  4. Xandra73

    This one knocks the rest out of the park. What a rolloercoaster ride for Captain Jack and River Song. It touches so many milestones in their lives and it flows terrificly. Both of them just fit together. I really hope we get more stories with the two of them in the future.

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