The Sins of Captain John Volume 01 – 4 – Darker Purposes


3.00 out of 5
(1 review)
Published on: January 16, 2020


From zombies in Restoration London, to Hell gatecrashing a funeral, rogue Time Agent Captain John Hart leads the universe to rack and ruin in four new adventures written by David Llewellyn.

Darker Purposes

Captain John arrives at the funeral of one of the galaxy’s richest men. He died without making a will, and his heirs have some very creative ideas about how this can be put to rights involving murder, necromancy and seduction. Sadly, Captain John is only too happy to oblige.

Additional information


David Llewellyn


Jack Harkness, John Hart

Content warnings



Scott Handcock

Episode timeline





Big Finish – The Sins of Captain John


John Hart/Other

Series timeline

Before series 1


Audio drama

1 review for The Sins of Captain John Volume 01 – 4 – Darker Purposes

  1. Estelle

    The last episode of the box-set is less tongue-in-cheek and slightly less self-aware than the others. I didn’t find the characters that interesting, either in a sympathetic or unsympathetic way. As a result, it worked less well for me, as the comedic tone and the supporting characters were what I enjoyed most in the previous episodes.

    Still, it was an alright episode and the performances and production are still brilliant. I’m very much looking forward to a volume 2 of the adventures of Captain John Hart!

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