Torchwood One: Latter Days – 3 – The Rockery


5.00 out of 5
(2 reviews)
Published on: September 25, 2019


Torchwood One continue to save the world – and most importantly, the Empire – from alien threats.

The Rockery

Anne Hartman has retired to the country, which comes as a surprise to her daughter. Has Yvonne met a problem even she can’t solve?

Additional information


Tim Foley


Ianto Jones, Yvonne Hartman

Content warnings

Depression, Pet death


Barnaby Edwards

Episode timeline





Big Finish – Torchwood One


No major relationship

Series timeline

Before series 1


Audio drama

2 reviews for Torchwood One: Latter Days – 3 – The Rockery

  1. Estelle

    Subtle and lovely character piece. I love learning more about Yvonne Hartman and this episode certainly delivered.

    Most importantly, the way they developed Anne Hartman really brought her to life and made her a complex and believable character. You cannot help but feel for her.

    And when you know what’s to come very soon, dread starts to set in when the end approaches and the end itself manages to be both heartbreaking and hopeful at the same time.

  2. Morgan

    I love this one so much! It’s grown on me the more I’ve listened to it and it’s my favorite in this box set now!

    The relationship between Yvonne and Anne is so complex and also so normal. Their conversations / arguments felt so natural thanks to the great writing and acting!

    Having these conversations about ordinary things like markets or rosé set against the backdrop of what’s going to come / has already started added an interesting form of tension to the story.

    The alien and the problems it causes are definitely of a smaller scale than some other stories but there are so many wonderful and interesting character moments.

    Anne on her own is a great character and the insight that her and the interactions between her and Yvonne really added to my understanding of Yvonne. Despite their slightly-strained relationship, you can tell that Yvonne and her mother really do love each other and they bond even further throughout the story which makes the ending even more heartbreaking.

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